Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Terminology - Abasement

God has been watching over me :-)  I came up with a calendar of what I would blog about on specific days.  I chose Terminology for Wednesday.  I came up with this sometime last week.  To my relief and surprise in our bulletin this weekend was an insert "Words in the Roman Missal, Third Edition".  Talk about something being dropped in my lap, Thanks be to God!

So the word of the day today is Abasement

I guess I have never thought about the word abasement before, so this is a good one from me to start with (plus it is at the top of the list).

Abasement: The lowering of one of higher rank.  Jesus abased himself in that, though he was God, he lowered himself and became a human being so that he might save us from our sins (see Phil 2:6-11). 

I have to say I believe that this is the first time I have read Philippians 2 (Phil 2:1-11).  What stood out to me is actually Phil 2:3-4 Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interest, but [also] everyone for those of others.

This is something I struggle with often.  I am quick to see fault in others and unfortunately even point it out to others (mostly my husband).  My biggest struggle with this is check out clerks at stores.  While I am not specifically stating they are less important than myself, I approach them with distain and annoyance.  Who am I to treat anyone else in this manner?  Jesus abased himself for me.  I should use his example in the manner that I treat others.

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